Category: Small Business Owners

Retargeting vs. Remarketing: Understanding the Difference Before You Invest

What makes remarketing and retargeting so compelling, sparking ongoing debates about which is better for your marketing budget? Let’s break it down: Firstly, both strategies help you maximize your existing web traffic. Not all visitors will convert on their first visit, but with remarketing and retargeting, you have the chance to reignite their interest. Secondly, […]

How to start a podcast on Spotify: A step-by-step guide

If you’re someone eager to share thoughts, stories, or expertise with the world, launching a podcast is the perfect way. In terms of podcasting platforms, Spotify stands tall as a market leader.  Podcasts offer a unique, intimate experience for creators and listeners, encouraging authentic voices, diverse perspectives, and intriguing narratives to flourish. The beauty of […]

Tactical vs Strategic Planning in a Small Business: Finding the Right Balance

Imagine you own a small creative agency, which specializes in branding and design solutions. As part of strategic planning, your vision might involve establishing your agency as a leading brand consultancy in your region. This could include goals such as expanding your client portfolio, diversifying services to include digital marketing, and fostering strategic partnerships with […]

Merch ideas

Well-designed and creative brand merchandise can go a long way in building brand awareness, especially when it comes to small businesses. You can choose from endless merch ideas depending on the nature of your business and your target audience. The important thing to remember though is that the merch ideas should reflect your brand personality, […]