
Restaurant Logo Ideas

What do you think of when we say McDonald’s? Isn’t it the striking yellow color golden arches of the letter ‘M’ that struck your mind?  And what about Starbucks? Do you recall the mermaid within the green circle? It’s interesting to note that we remember brands through their logos. Logos are an interesting way to […]

Creative Small Business Packaging Ideas

“[Packaging] helps to reinforce the perceived value of the product that’s inside, and it really enhances the customer experience.”  –Barbara Whitney, Marketing Director for Packaging Specialties. Creative packaging is one way small businesses can gain a competitive edge over other big brands and companies. Especially when they are just starting out with limited resources.  As […]

photography logo ideas

So you’re in the photography business… The logo is required, so people remember the face behind those awe-inspiring photographs. You were determined to stick with that logo forever; however, it doesn’t speak to you anymore. Now, you are prompted to rebrand every few years because you’re dubious about whether it does the trick. Or, you […]

examples of digital art digital art for beginners

In the words of the famous animator and film director John Lasseter, “The art challenges the technology and the technology inspires the art”, and this combination results in digital art.  We are undoubtedly living in a digital world, how we work, entertain and learn has completely transformed. Art in all its forms has witnessed incredible […]

Merch ideas

Well-designed and creative brand merchandise can go a long way in building brand awareness, especially when it comes to small businesses. You can choose from endless merch ideas depending on the nature of your business and your target audience. The important thing to remember though is that the merch ideas should reflect your brand personality, […]